Análise do preço do Bitcoin: por que os investidores de longo prazo não estão vendendo apesar da queda

E aí, pessoal! Prontos para embarcar na viagem maluca das notícias de cripto? No nosso canal do Telegram, vamos explorar o mundo das criptomoedas com leveza e bom humor. É como um papo de bar sobre Bitcoin, só que sem a ressaca no dia seguinte! 😄 Junte-se a nós agora e vamos desvendar esse universo juntos! 💸🚀

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Análise do preço do Bitcoin: por que os investidores de longo prazo não estão vendendo apesar da queda

1. The price of bitcoin is now being sold by the cryptocurrency experts at Binh Dangg and is no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets.

Aqui está uma possível reformulação: o preço atual do Bitcoin caiu para seu nível mensal mais baixo de US$ 56.567,10, representando uma queda de mais de 6,2% nas últimas 24 horas. Se esta tendência continuar, poderá indicar um novo movimento descendente no preço. Ultimamente, tem havido rumores de que os investidores de Bitcoin de curto prazo estão saindo do mercado rapidamente. No entanto, nem todos os especialistas acreditam que a esperança esteja completamente perdida no mercado. Na verdade, um gráfico de ondas Realized Cap-HODL do Bitcoin, apresentado por Binhdangg, oferece um contra-argumento convincente para essa perspectiva. Vamos nos aprofundar!

Comportamento de mercado dos detentores de Bitcoin de longo prazo: o que o gráfico transmite 

O sugerido, compartilhado por especialista em criptomoeda, na plataforma X, revela e detentor de longo prazo são termos usados ​​para se referir ao gráfico. Qual é a sua implicação? Os detentores de longo prazo agora consideram que manter é mais benéfico do que vender. O Bitcoin está atualmente em fase de retenção? Talvez seja! O gráfico definitivamente apóia tal suposição, com certeza. Parece que os comerciantes de longo prazo têm extrema confiança no Bitcoin e esperam ver uma corrida de alta no mercado em breve. É claro que os comerciantes experientes de Bitcoin agora têm uma visão sobre o mercado exatamente oposta à percepção geral do mercado.

Análise do preço do Bitcoin: por que os investidores de longo prazo não estão vendendo apesar da queda

Análise do padrão atual do Bitcoin: o que diz o especialista 

Em termos mais simples, parece que o especialista acredita que a tendência do Bitcoin hoje se assemelha à tendência de meados de 2019 a meados de 2020. Se considerarmos este período como um período de estabilidade, então uma mudança ou aumento no preço do Bitcoin poderá ocorrer em breve, com base no que observamos no passado

Ao examinar as ondas Realized Cap-HODL do Bitcoin de meados de 2019 a meados de 2020, os Detentores de Longo Prazo (LTHs) pararam de distribuir e reverteram para a fase de retenção. Essencialmente, isso indica que investidores experientes mantiveram sua fé no ciclo, em vez de presumir que ele havia chegado ao fim

— binhdangg (@binhdangg1) 5 de setembro de 2024

O que vem a seguir no mercado Bitcoin 

De acordo com a previsão do especialista, poderá haver flutuações significativas no mercado Bitcoin durante os últimos três meses deste ano e no primeiro trimestre do próximo. Ele enfatiza que tais movimentos de mercado muitas vezes acontecem de forma inesperada, sublinhando a imprevisibilidade inerente do mercado

Resumindo, são os investidores de longo prazo que têm a ganhar significativamente no mercado Bitcoin, caso o cenário se desenvolva conforme previsto pelos especialistas

2024-09-05 16:41